Git bash | command line cheat sheet
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    Git bash | command line cheat sheet

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    Article Summary


    Global user information settings

    Set the name you will use to add changes to the repo
    git config --global "[firstname lastname]"
    Set the email address will use to add changes to the repo
    git config --global "[valid-email]"
    Format colors for easy review
    git config --global color.ui auto


    Configuring new repos

    Initialize an existing directory as a repo
    git init
    Copy entire remote repo to current directory
    git clone [url]


    Working with your local filesystem repo

    Show modified files in your working directory. These files are staged for your next commit
    git status
    Diff list of what files have changed, but are not staged
    git diff
    Display diff list of what files have been staged, but not committed
    git diff --staged
    Add a file as-is to your next commit, aka stage the file
    git add [file]
    Stage all changes in [directory] for the next commit
    git add [directory]
    Remove file from staging, but keep the changes
    git reset [file]
    Commit your staged files as a new commit
    git commit -m "[descriptive message]"

    Branching and merging

    Organize your changes into branches and merge them together

    List your branches. Your currently active branch will have a * next to it
    git branch
    Create a new branch [branch-name] at the current commit
    git branch [branch-name]
    Switch to another branch and check it out to your current working directory
    git switch
    Merge [branch-name]'s history into the current branch
    git merge [branch-name]
    Display all commits in the current branch's history
    git log

    Inspect and compare

    Display commits that are on branchA but not on branchB
    git log branchB..branchA
    Display the commits of the file, even across renames
    git log --follow [file]
    Display the diff of what is in branchA but not branchB
    git diff branchB...branchA
    Display any git object in human-readable format
    git show [SHA]

    Tracking Changes

    Removing and moving files

    Delete the local file and stage the removal for commit
    git rm [file]
    Change or rename existing file path and stage the change for commit
    git mv [existing-path] [new-path]
    Display all commit logs of filepaths that have been moved
    git log --stat -M

    Ignoring patterns

    Prevent uninentional staging or commiting of files

    Add filter to .gitignore to avoid committing these files. Can use string literals or use "*" wildcard
    Global ignore pattern for all local system repos
    git config --global core.excludesfile [file]

    Share & Update

    Retrieve updates from a different repo and update local repos

    Add a git URL as an alias
    git remote add [alias] [url]
    Fetch all the branches from the remote alias repo
    git fetch [alias]
    Merge a remote branch into your current branch
    git merge [alias]/[branch]
    Transfer your local branch commits to the remote branch repo
    git push [alias] [branch]
    Fetch and merge any commits from the tracking remote branch
    git pull

    Rewrite history

    Rewrite branches, update commites, and clear history

    Apply any commits of current branch ahead of specified branch
    git rebase [branch]
    Clear staging area, rewrite working tree from specified commit
    git reset --hard [commit]
    Replace the previous commit with the stange changes and last commit combined. Use with nothing staged to edit the last commit's message.
    git commit --amend
    Create a new commit that undoes all the changes in [commit], then apply it to the current branch
    git revert [commit]
    Shows which files would be removed from working directory by clean
    git clean -n
    Removes files from working directory
    git clean -f

    Temporary commits

    Temporarily store modified and tracked files in order to change branches

    Save modified and staged changes and reverts to pre-change status
    git stash
    Display list stack-order of stashed file changes in the file
    git stash list
    Write working files from top of stash stack
    git stash pop
    Discard the changes from the top of the stash stack
    git stash drop

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